Friday, April 24, 2009

Secret #22 Bookstore

Every time I go to Barnes and Noble I take a deep breath and inhale that lovely new book smell and say, "Oh, if I could live in a bookstore my whole life, I would." and I mean it. I love going to the bookstore. Usually I do one of two things. Either I will find a book or two really quick and grab a chair and read for a bit (these are usually short books or graphic novels or humor books), or I will spend time browsing through all the books and taking pictures with my camera phone of the ones I'm considering buying. The pictures allow me to think about the books for a few days and if I still want it I will buy it or add it to my amazon wish list. Anyway, I usually end up spending 2 to 3 hours and no money in the store. I just love the smell, feel, and experience of brand new books. Libraries just cannot compete for me.

p.s. the books in the pictures are all books that I would love to have.

1 comment:

Julianne said...

I concur! I do! I love the smell of the books mixed with the smell of the cafe. And I actually picked up the P&P&zombies book the other day. I was intrigued and a little horrified.