Monday, May 5, 2008

More stuff from Photoshop!

So I decide to do some more stuff with Photoshop. Just so you know I'm not a vain person, it's just that I don't have any pictures of other people on my computer.

This is one of my favorites:

I liked it so much that I thought I'd make multiples of it. Andy Warhol eat your heart out!

This one is cool because it looks like a colored pencil drawing up close. I really liked the effect, and the face I'm making as well.

Oh! Where'd I go? It's like I blend into the background.

That's all for now. I'll probably have more later.


Marcus said...

I love it, bro. You rock

Jinjer said...

I dig it all. . . especially the first one. You are an artist for sure.